Here are some photos from the event. Many, many more can be found on the IBW Website. Photos by Mike Calabro.

Sweet Cobra

Snake Out!

From IBW’s Annoucement E-mail:
First of all, it’s important that we thank all of you for your support. IBW has been a labor of love for over 4 years now and has taken on many forms as we worked to bring it into light. To finally see our persistent efforts take form is incredibly exciting. To know that our friends and families have stepped up to support us in this project means the world to us. So, before we get into anything else, THANK YOU.
Ok, now on with the event information.
IBW’s first Chicago event SACRIFICE! SACRIFICE! SACRIFICE! will be
Saturday, November 2nd at the Salsa Truck kitchen located at 116 N. Aberdeen in Chicago, right across the street from Harpo Studios and right in the heart of Chicago’s incredible restaurant scene.
The event begins at 6pm and will conclude at midnight.
As you know, costumes are strongly recommended. This is Halloween, please don’t half step on this. However, should you choose to enjoy our SACRIFICE! without a costume we will gladly have you, but be advised your fun will most likely be greatly diminished.
We’ve got amazing entertainment for this event:
- Snake Out! from Detroit will be available for questioning
- Nonagon will be bringing you family-sized servings of the finest Chicago math rock
- Sweet Cobra will be suffocating you with the spunk-stained pillows of their groove-driven sludge rock
Additionally, we will have the remedial mesmerism of the now famous Mr. King to guide you through this sacred space as well as some beautiful burlesque booty shakinghappening in the main bar as well as the back dungeon.
We’re going to have a killer raffle. Some items include:
- 5 gallons of the beer of your choice brewed to your specifications from IBW
- A chance to brew along with your sordid hosts
- Free yoga classes provided by Kathleen Ellis
- Gift certificates to Jack’s Tap
- Cubs Tickets
- Some delicious wine
- Tattoo Gift certificates from Chicago Bill
- IBW T-shirts
And there’s a ton more where that came from including rumors of a vintage bottle of Dark Lord!!! The raffle will go on all night and you need to be present to collect your prizes.
And, you know, there’s going to be beer! You like beer right? Well we’re going to have collaboration brews that we have done with DryHop Brewers and Hamburger Mary’s. How does a Saison made with 40 gallons of cider, cardamom and szechuan peppers sound? You’re right, amazing! Hamburger Mary’s is bringing along “Death is the Real Drag” which is a chocolately sour made with black pepper, orange peels and black cherries.
And, of course, your friends at IBW will be providing beer as well:
The Black Maw, a deliciously dark black licorice milk stout to help prepare you for your fearless wanderings into the heart of the unknown.
Race Ramp IPA, everybody loves this gooey, citrusy West Wheat Pale Ale.
Supari Ale, based upon the flavor-profile of the Supari Pann sold on every street corner of India, this belgian beast will seduce your palette and numb your mind.
SACRIFICE! SACRIFICE! SACRIFICE!, our blood red barley wine will be available in very limited amounts at a designated time later in the evening. Make sure you don’t miss this 13% hibiscus tainted dandy.
We’ll have other odds and ends that we’re pulling from the shelves as well. Be sure to get there early and stay late to try all of our offerings for this fine evening of debauchery.