Band Info
Nonagon is a raucous, three-piece, music concern from Chicago that’s been playing together since the early-to-mid aughts. We play a collection of loud, short songs with varied time signatures and unconventional hooks.
Our sporadic recorded output consists of…
- 2008’s “No Sun”
- 2012’s “People Live Everywhere”
- 2013’s “The Last Hydronaut“
- 2020’s “They Birds“
Our names are…
- Tony Aimone (who played in The Blue Meanies, Taylor, and The J. Davis Trio),
- Robert Gomez (who played in Der Lugomen, is one-oneth of Martian Law, and is an accomplished visual artist),
- John Hastie (who played in bands called Jumpknuckle, Black Lung, Freighter, and The Metric System).
Purely for the sake of context:
We occasionally find ourselves compared to the likes of Fugazi, Jawbox, Naked Raygun, Drive Like Jehu, The Jesus Lizard, etc… all of which is deeply flattering but makes some sense given our influences and vintage.
Our practice space is tiny but effective: