We played the Beat Kitchen with Phantom Works (hard, art-rocking, minimalist Chicagoans), Self-Evident (Minneapolitan purveyors of complex guitarcrobatics… SO good!), and Scotia Widows (energetic Chicagoans boasting the algebraic formula: X + All = SW [maybe?]). Lots of photos to look at.

Tony cannot hold back the tears of joy.

Scotia Widows were on first. The flyer for this night’s show was designed and printed by Gina from the Scotia Widows.

Here’s one of the blurry “night mode” digital shots that us bands love so much.

And here’s a much more sobering in-focus shot of Nonagon.

A rare live show convergence of Nonagon wives.

Self-evident from Minneapolis.

Phantom Works ended the evening.

Nonagon cannot resist the siren’s song of a post-show late night breakfast. That short stack is calling to you, John.

More disturbing breakfast photos band shots are on Flickr.