A night of DIY punk rock/post-punk from three of Chicago’s proudest purveyors. It will be fun, quick, loud, and energetic. If you feel the need to buy tickets in advance, you can do so here:
Another year, another BBQ. This year we were asked to curate the bands on Saturday. With that came a bit more administrative responsibilities (that were mostly handled by John), and we had decided to sit this one out and make our day the best we could. The other curators were going to have none of […]
A huge weekend of shows from many of the bands that participate at the Electrical Audio Forums (PRF). We will be closing out Saturday night along with Fake Limbs with a special sleeptytime slumber party. Last we heard this evening was sold-out! More photos by Gonzo Chicago. Slumber Kerfuffle As part of our take-away gift to […]