Here’s the e-mail annoucement:
I know that this schizophrenic weather is messing with your biological imperatives, but it we assure you that hibernation season is not yet here.
You still have a couple of days to forage for berries, bury your nuts (that’s NOT a euphemism so get your head out of your pants), and throw a hump at a bear of your preferred gender-identity.
Also on that checklist: see one, last, GOOD rock show before the cold weather settles in.
Look, exposing yourself to the right music before hibernating is an important task. Imagine a 3-month-long dream with the wrong song on some accidental loop for the soundtrack.
What’s one way to guarantee it’s not “Livin’ on a Prayer?” Come out and see four different, wholly original acts with the ability to surprise, confound, delight, and destroy.
The details:
NONAGON (“headlining” and debuting a NEW SONG)
FAKE LIMBS (bringing the heave-and-throb)
WITHNAIL (inventive noise-pop from Champaign)
TRANSMONTANE (kicking things off with heartfelt meanderings)
(2200 N. California. Chicago)
9pm. Cheap.
Come! Send yourself to sleep with style!
As usual, if you would like to be removed from this email list simply reply to this missive with “I DON’T NEED YOUR FRACTURED ‘LULLABIES’ IN MY HEAD UNTIL SPRING!” … or something a little less provocative. Don’t think we’re not prepared to sit outside your cave for the next few months with Waco-style loudspeakers blasting Jennifer Black, Ke$ha, and the Metallica/Lou Reed collaboration.